Doreen's Story


I can hardly believe it’s been 25 years since I first set up my studio at Oxo Tower Wharf. My journey as a textile designer has been incredible, filled with creativity, inspiration, and a wonderful community of designers and makers. 

It all started when I won the Sainsbury’s Scholarship, a fantastic opportunity organised by Coin Street Community Builders. The scholarship allowed me to have a studio at Oxo Tower Wharf for six months, rent-free. It was an absolute dream come true! 

One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is seeing customers’ reactions when they enter my shop. Their excitement and appreciation for my handwoven textiles make it all worthwhile. I design and create everything myself, from scarves and shawls to throws and bed covers, all using natural fibres.  

The thrill of someone recognising my work years later, or returning to buy more pieces, is indescribable. Just last week, an American client visited before traveling to New Zealand. She mentioned how she couldn’t find anything in Milan that matched the quality of my work, which made me feel fantastic. She even bought something before leaving, which was a lovely bonus. 

Being part of the Oxo Tower Wharf community has been a significant highlight. The quality of designers here is outstanding and it’s an honour to be among them. Many visitors have been coming here for years and often comment on the excellent quality of the work they find. I’ve built lasting relationships with many of them, including an American gentleman from Peru who visited me years ago during Christmas. He loved my work so much that he wanted to take two pieces back with him as gifts. I remember working through the night to finish his order, feeling thrilled that my work was so valued. 

Inspiration for my designs comes from all around me. The river, with its boats adorned with colourful flags, often sparks ideas for my colour palettes. I also find inspiration in vibrant images on social media. Just the other day, a picture of tropical birds on Instagram led to the creation of a bright blue scarf. Even the rich colours of fruits and vegetables like aubergines, butternut squash, mango, and pumpkin, influence my designs. 

As for the future, I don’t have any specific plans. I aim to stay inspired and continue creating high-quality pieces. As long as I wake up feeling energised and motivated, I’ll keep doing what I love, designing and weaving beautiful textiles. The future is about pushing myself creatively and enjoying the journey every step of the way. 

Being part of the Oxo Tower Wharf community has been a significant highlight. The quality of designers here is outstanding and it’s an honour to be among them.