Simon's Story


I have been a Waterloo resident for 33 years after moving from Vauxhall with my parents in the early 90’s. My first connection with Waterloo and social housing was through my aunt Kathleen (Kathy) Connelly. My Aunt Kath was a Labour councillor, she was also an activist and a big supporter of social housing and took part in many protests. 

As a child and teenager, I attended Colombo Centre where I trained in Shotokan Karate, indoor football, and badminton – I was amazed one of the trainers could jump over the net, over 5ft! My parents would regularly take me to the South Bank, walking through Gabriels Wharf to look at the shops, but most importantly to look at the wooden carved animals. 

As an adult, my wife and I welcomed our first child in 2015. My wife would attend the stay and play sessions on a Friday, held in the Coin Street neighbourhood centre. Our son made some good friends at the stay and play, and these friends later ended up attending the nursery and primary school with him. 

The nursery staff were amazing with our son and us as parents. Our son would learn something new every week, eating amazing food which was (and still is) cooked on site – we would try to recreate this food at home, but he was not interested! He took part in nursery trips to different London sites, and, of course, lots of learning and preparation for school.   

When Covid hit in 2020, my wife was pregnant with our daughter and with the nursery closed it meant that our son could keep her company while I was at work. Our daughter then joined the nursery in 2021, again the staff, who also looked after our son, have been amazing with her learning and development. As a family we have regularly attended the open days held by the nursey and the neighbourhood centre as they are always a fun and packed day. 

As a resident of Coin Street (previously a Cornwall Road resident) I wanted to be more involved with giving back to the community. Having worked in maintenance since 2005, when the role of Building Services Manager was advertised, I saw a chance to use my knowledge and experience to give back to the community that has been a major part of my family’s life for many years.  

I saw a chance to use my knowledge and experience to give back to the community that has been a major part of my family’s life for many years.